The donor platform - Students 4 Sustainability
Category: Other
Please give a description to this practice.
We have a platform of about ~700 monthly donors. 100% of their money is used for 100% impact all around the globe.
What SDG’s does this practice work towards?
Essentially all. It depends on the project the money is used for.
What progress have you made so far? What barriers are you facing? What barriers have you overcome already?
Up until this day we have obtained about 700 donors. The barrier we are facing is that there should be a top limit, because we might receive more funds than we can effectively and sustainably apply to our projects. The barriers we have overcome already, is finding the platform itself. Years of repeated efforts have allowed the platform to grow to it’s current state.
Is information on this practice online and publicly accessible? if so on what webaddress?
What sorts of information do you which to learn about the subject for this brochure? What barriers are you facing right now? and what help do you need to overcome them?
What we wish to learn (hence our barriers): (1) finding student project/initiatives that we can support; (2) how to measure the impact of our doings.