Student Energy Race EN

Student Energy Race

The Student Energy Race is an energy saving race between student houses throughout the Netherlands. The race was first organized in 2012 by the student housing companies DUWO and Kences. The Student Energy Race is now organized in eight different student cities. Since 2018, Studenten voor Morgen is co-organizer. 


Every year, the Student Energy Race starts on November 1st and ends on February 28th. The student house that saves the most energy after four months wins the challenge and is given the largest price. The house that has the smallest ecological footprint throughout the period of four months also wins a prize. 

Student houses that participate will be assisted and coached by Student Energy Coaches (SECs). These SECs – students that have an interest in sustainability – help and encourage the participating student houses in their energy saving ambitions. These houses can monitor their energy behavior continuously via a mobile application, which is linked to the smart energy meter. In order to stimulate the competition more, they also see their savings compared to their opponents’ savings. In addition, the participants are also offered workshops in which they receive saving tips and tricks and they receive a starter package with energy-saving articles before the challenge starts. 


During the Student Energy Race, the participating houses are stimulated to consciously deal with their energy consumption. Also, the participating students get used to  some good and energy-saving habits, which they hopefully continue to incorporate in the rest of their lives. In this way, they save money, but besides, they especially do something that is environmentally responsible.  

Since the first edition of the race, results have proven that students can successfully save on their energy consumption. During the 2017-2018 edition, the average saving was  24%. A student house in Deventer won the first price, because this house achieved a saving of no less than 57% compared to previous years. Moreover, it also turned out that many houses that have participated in the past, still have a considerably reduced energy consumption – even many years after their participation in the Student Energy Race. The intended goal – making students (more) aware of their energy consumption and behavior – is therefore always achieved. 

For more information,
please contact us.