The daily board of Studenten voor Morgen consists of a team of young, enthusiastic and sustainable students. The board changes every year on 1 July and is responsible for everything that happens within Studenten voor Morgen: projects, finances, support of member organizations, and so on. The board is also the face of Studenten voor Morgen and they try to put SvM on the map as well as possible. Studenten voor Morgen will be run in the board year 2023 – 2024 by a board of four enthusiastic students:
Enrico Bosters | Chair
My name is Enrico Bosters and I will hold the position of president within the board of Students for Tomorrow in the year 2023-2024! I am a 22-year-old student at Fontys University of Applied Sciences where, until recently, I was trained to teach business administration and classical economics. For three years I have worked to improve Fontys through student participation and I intend to continue to improve Dutch higher education by influencing sustainability policies at ‘Studenten voor Morgen’.
Sophie van 't Leven | Secretary
Hey all, my name is Sophie van ‘t Leven and I am filling the position of secretary within the 2023/2024 ‘Studenten voor Morgen’ board this year! I study Environmental Science at the HAS in Den Bosch and therefore I thought it would be really nice to expand my knowledge at Students for Tomorrow. Besides my studies, I am also active at a student union where I fill a spot on the sustainability committee. I also enjoy playing field hockey and work at VVM network of environmental professionals where I am involved in communication/PR. I am looking forward to the coming year, I hope you are too!
Lisa van den Dries | Treasurer & Student Network
Hello all! My name is Lisa, I am 22 years old and I started my master’s degree in Ecology at Radboud University. This past year I was on the board of AGREEn, a member organisation of SvM. I joined the board as a student network coordinator because I think the work SvM does is super important and impactful. I look forward to connecting member organisations more and creating a network where they can learn from each other and grow together. In my free time, I enjoy being in nature (especially with my dog) & taking care of my many houseplants.
Ana Pandurević | PR and Communication
Hi, I am Ana, 23 years old and I am working on my master’s degree in International Development at Wageningen University & Research. During my bachelor International Business I found out that I would like to work on a sustainable future. That’s why I thought it would be great fun to explore this side of sustainability and education through ‘Studenten voor Morgen’. The change starts with us, and I’m looking forward to working for more youth participation, sustainability & climate and of course making our higher education a little greener. Besides my studies, I enjoy sports and love discovering new places in our beautiful world. I am very much looking forward to next year!
Take a look at this page to see which boards came before us.