Sustainable Introduction Time
The Sustainable Introduction Time (DIT) is a competition between introduction week committees from various cities. Introduction weeks compete for the award: ‘Most Sustainable Introduction Week’. In addition to this prize, there is also a general ‘best practices’ prize to be won, for which all kinds of student organizations can submit an entry.
The aim of the DIT is to make future students more aware of sustainability. The DIT takes place during the introduction weeks in August. Then thousands of students are introduced to student life for the first time. These weeks are full of activities and parties in which sustainability can and should easily be given a place. That is why we challenge all introduction weeks to participate in the DIT!
The DIT was created in 2012 by campaign agency EEN. From 2014, together with partners UMEF and GDO, we will be organizing the ultimate sustainability battle between introduction weeks. Until 2020, the DIT had a different name, namely Sustainable Introduction Stunt (DIS). The concept is very simple: Introduction weeks/committees are assessed on overall sustainability through a questionnaire that will be administered by a DIT employee during a visit to the event. Evidence must be provided for all points on the questionnaire. A jury determines which introduction week wins based on a number of criteria. Since 2021, prizes will also be awarded to the introductory weeks that have finished in second and third place. This to stimulate the weeks to all put their best foot forward to get a prize. The winners will be announced at the DIT award ceremony, which will take place in early October.
DIT 2022
This year the introduction weeks could continue as usual, a new city with a lot of partying and of course many new experiences, also regarding sustainability. Therefore, we have rated the top 3 most sustainable introduction weeks:
- First Place Most Sustainable Introduction Week: KEI-week
- Second Place Most Sustainable Introduction Week: Eureka week
- Third Place Most Sustainable Introduction Week: AID- Wageningen
DIT 2021
Due to the coronavirus and the measures surrounding it, many introduction weeks have taken place online this year or have not taken place. The introduction weeks that did go ahead and participated this year have been rated with a top 3 most sustainable introduction week.
- First Place Most Sustainable Introduction Week: AID Wageningen
- Second Place Most Sustainable Introduction Week: Owee Delft
- Third Place Most Sustainable Introduction Week: Kick-In Enschede
DIT 2020
Despite the measures surrounding the coronavirus, which resulted in the introduction weeks having to be organized online, the DIS continued in an adapted form. The participants had to check off as many challenges as possible on the basis of a bingo card full of sustainable (online) challenges. The online award ceremony took place on October 3, 2020.
- Most Sustainable Introduction Week: AID in Wageningen
- Most Sustainable Association: Storm in Utrecht
DIT 2019
Last summer, 33 student organizations committed themselves to making student life more sustainable by making their introduction week more sustainable or by organizing a sustainable stunt. On 9 October 2019, Studenten voor Morgen presented the ‘Sustainable Introduction Stunt Awards’ to the 3 winners.
- Most Sustainable Introduction Week: Radboud University Nijmegen
- Most Sustainable Introduction Stunt: U.V.S.V. Utrecht
- Social Impact Prize: STORM Utrecht