

Studenten voor Morgen believes that the power of sustainability lies in an integrated approach. Collaboration with other actors within the sustainability sector is essential in this regard. Studenten voor Morgen uses this collaboration to create broader support for its activities and to bring the sustainable student network into contact with the professional sustainability world.

Studenten voor Morgen works together with:

Leren voor Morgen consists of a group of cooperating organizations. As a network, we are committed to learning for sustainable development: within and outside education and from toddler to professional. Our goal is to embed sustainability in the DNA of education. We use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for the content of sustainable development. This broad approach means that, in addition to, for example, environmental aspects, we look at the social side of sustainability (equality and inclusiveness).

De Jonge Klimaatbeweging (JKB) is an initiative of Studenten voor Morgen, Jongeren Milieu Actief and the Youth Representatives for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. The Jonge Klimaatbeweging unites the voices of more than fifty diverse youth organizations to influence climate and sustainability policy. They do this by lobbying and campaigning. The JKB represents young people aged 16 to 32, varying from workers to students, from MBO to WO and from city to countryside.

NJR is an umbrella organization of national youth organizations for young people between the ages of 12 and 30. NJR aims to encourage and support youth participation at all levels of society; ensure that young people know, develop and use their strengths for a better future for themselves and others. NJR encourages young people to show what they are capable of, from their communities to the United Nations. In addition, NJR advises governments and other organizations on youth policy and stimulating youth participation. The NJR works with youth representatives for various themes, including sustainable development.

SustainableMotion is a project agency that uses the knowledge of a new generation to answer the questions of the future. With more than 6000 students and starters, with knowledge of sustainability, there is enormous potential to tackle the questions of the future. SustainableMotion gets this new generation moving by organizing various projects and events.

Jongeren Milieu Actief (JMA) is the youth organization of ‘Milieudefensie’, for and by young people between the ages of 16 and 28. Since 1991, we have been committed to a clean and fair world with a lot of energy, passion and humor. For young people in the Netherlands and for young people worldwide.

Vereniging voor Milieuprofessionals (VVM)

The VVM is the network of environmental professionals. Inspirational and useful. Sustainable thinkers and doers meet each other within the association. You can easily make contact with the more than 1300 members. Useful if you are looking for an internship or job. Interesting because as a student you can go to a climate conference or café about nature-inclusive landscape design for free. The association has about 20 sections on themes such as biodiversity, soil and land use and water. There is the VVM Jong section especially for students and starters. You can become a member for 20 euros per year with the promotional code: MorgenVVM. Registration and more information about the benefits:

The Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg is the largest national student organization in the Netherlands and represents the general interests of nearly 700,000 students at universities and colleges. The ISO has concluded a covenant with eight student organizations, including Studenten Voor Morgen, for many years now. The aim of the covenant is to represent the interests of students in the Netherlands as well as possible. The organizations do this by exchanging experiences, information and signals and working together on important themes, such as internationalization and the opportunities for students to develop themselves more broadly.

The True Animal Protein Price Coalition (TAPP Coalition), is a new organization in Amsterdam, founded in 2018, that is committed to paying the ‘true’ price of food. This includes costs for the environment, health and animal welfare. In practice, this means that meat and dairy products should be slightly more expensive, and fruit and vegetables cheaper. The proceeds from the introduction of the fair price are intended for farmers because of (additional) performance in the field of the environment (nitrogen, circular agriculture, climate), animal welfare and nature. Since the autumn of 2020, Studenten voor Morgen has started a project together with TAPP to introduce the fair meat price in canteens of colleges and universities.

Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) is the largest independent European network of environmental youth organizations. YEE unites 52 member organisations coming from 30 countries. YEE was founded as the European region of the International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation (IYF) in 1983. YEE is a member of the United Nations Environment (UNEP), European Environmental Bureau, and European Youth Forum, and a co-founding member of the EU4Ocean Coalition. Our HQ is in Prague, Czech Republic. All activities and projects of YEE are organised and carried out by young people under 30. YEE organises, facilitates and supports projects and campaigns aiming to increase the knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the environment and the awareness of climate issues among young people in Europe.

Climate Students Movement

The Climate Students Movement is an international network of national and local student groups and organizations committed to making higher education more sustainable. The Climate Student Movement was founded in 2020 by Climate Students Sweden and Climate Students groups in Kenya, Singapore and the UK. CSM believes that students can initiate change within schools and universities. To enable this, they developed a global campaign entitled #ActOnYourClimateScience. It involves an international frame work with carbon zero targets and a ranking. This campaign is led by their coalition of student organizations and coordinated by national coordinators. They will develop an international student-led climate action ranking for HEIs. 

Aandeelhouders van de Toekomst

Aandeelhouders van de toekomst is an umbrella organization started by former chair of Studenten voor Morgen, Nikki Trip. The goal of the organization is simple; to bring young people to the table in discussions about the future, together with the people who are already directly influencing the future. Young people should be able to be shareholders in their own future. Take a look at our onepager for more information about Aandeelhouders van de Toekomst!

Landelijke Kamer van Verenigingen

De Landelijke Kamer van Verenigingen (LKvV) is one of the largest student organizations in the Netherlands. As a student organization, the LKvV has been committed to the Dutch student social associations since 1967. The LKvV represents the interests of student associations towards politicians, organizations and higher education institutions.


Urgenda is the national organization for sustainability and innovation that aims to make the Netherlands sustainable more quickly. Based on a concrete action plan, Urgenda realizes projects in the field of sustainable construction, mobility, energy and the circular economy. This involves collaboration with companies, governments, civil society organizations and private individuals.


SURF is a cooperative association of Dutch educational and research institutions in which the members join forces. Within SURF, universities, universities of applied sciences, MBO institutions, UMCs and research institutes work together to purchase or develop the best possible digital services and to stimulate knowledge sharing by continuing to innovate.

Het Groene Brein

With a network of almost 150 scientists, Het Groene Brein supports entrepreneurs who want to take steps towards a new, sustainable economy. They catalyze sustainable projects and connect organizations to scientists.


Groenpact is aimed at making a meaningful contribution to solving the major challenges in the green sector. Groenpact Jongerenplatform focuses on issues related to biodiversity and food, and strengthening the sustainable competitiveness of the Dutch green sector. Groenpact Jongerenplatform wants to strengthen youth participation and connect young people – students and young professionals – to the other partners within Groenpact.


Coalitie-Y is a platform via which all Dutch youth representative organisations can come together and raise problems and solutions specific to young people (± under 35).  Coalitie-Y advocates structural youth participation. Coalitie-Y advices the government on 4 main themes: housing, labour market, education and climate.

SOS - international

SOS international supports student and youth groups globally to lead on sustainability and social justice. We connect, strengthen and scale impactful initiatives – so together we can go further, faster. We run multiple sustainability programs, projects and campaigns, together with the SOS members. Building on over a decade of experience, this portfolio is designed to be easily adapted in new organisations and countries. Read more about our portfolio here. We do research on students and sustainability (see our survey), that can leverage action to transform education and direct society to a more sustainable and fair future. We strengthen collaboration and capacity among our members, and mobilize funding together. Find out more on our membership page. We offer workshops, event facilitation and consultancy to all organizations interested in sustainability and/or working with students and youth. Have a look at our services page.
Europalaan 400, 3526KS