In her policy, Morgen has a certain vision and dot on the horizon. This vision and dot on the horizon form the basis for the annual organisation strategy, which is renewed each year.
Morgen is both a national student network and a partner for higher education institutions, which aims to integrate sustainability into higher education and to increase awareness regarding sustainability among students.
According to Morgen a desirable future implies all higher education institutions having integrated sustainability in all their practices, in such a way that graduating students apply this knowledge in their daily practices. This cannot be achieved without student-driven initiatives, through local student organisations, who play an important role in the mindsetting process.
Organisation Strategy 2015: the continuing growth of Morgen.
Morgen is experiencing a fast paced growth, both internally and in the field of sustainable development. 2015 started with the welcoming of three new member organizations, adding to a total number of 22 local student organizations within the Morgen network. The Dutch student network is currently expanding with the growing Green Office movement, in which Morgen will have a larger coordinating role in 2015. In addition the online and offline reach of Morgen is expanding throughout the professional network, as well as amongst students. Morgen is becoming more and more accessible, resulting in the growing number of Morgen’s partners. With large efforts being made in expanding our reach and network, the board expects this development to continue. The board will also dedicate itself to the growth of our projects, both by engaging in new and interesting collaborations and by professionalizing and strengthening current projects.
As an organization, Morgen is seeing changes taking place in the field of sustainable development. The concept of sustainability is winning in popularity and becoming more and more mainstream in society. There is a growing awareness among students and universities of the importance and benefits of sustainable development.
In our organizational strategy, you can read in what ways Morgen will deal with the developments named above during 2015. In the link below you can download the strategy in a PDF-version. Our organizational strategy is part of our long-term program 2014-2016, which can also be download as a PDF-file.
The Organizational Strategy Morgen 2015 can be downloaded here.
The Program Morgen 2014-2016 can be downloaded here (in Dutch).