The Morgen Manifesto consists of ten recommendations to Boards of Directors from higher education institutions. In October 2012, Studenten voor Morgen used input from students all across the Netherlands to formulate these ten recommendations. On the Day of Sustainability, October 10th, 2012, the Manifesto was handed to eleven higher education institutions. In februari 2014, a twelfth institution followed. These higher education institutions have announced to embed these recommendations in their organisation in the four years to follow.
The aspects which come forward from the Manifesto are embedded in the SustainaBul questionnaire from 2014 on. In this way, the execution of the Manifesto is made more easy for education institutions who have not received the Manifesto.
The ceremony of October 10th is summarized in a short video (Dutch). If you want to sign the Manifesto yourself, you can still do so!
We, students of Dutch universities (including universities of applied science), would like to work towards a more sustainable society. A society with a future based on a cyclical economy that runs on sustainable energy. A society that offers a comfortable environment; here and now and there and tomorrow. We would like to acquire the knowledge and skills to create such a community.
Therefore, we ask managers of all levels to ensure that within four years:
1. sustainability is part of the curriculum of every university program and sustainable courses become accessible to all students;
2. lecturers and supporting personnel are given the education they need to integrate sustainability in a relevant manner in their work;
3. every program encourages sustainable development amongst students by making the competences critical thinking and systems thinking an integral part of the study program;
4. students are supported and stimulated to involve sustainability in their initiatives, internships, bachelor thesis and master thesis;
5. every higher educational institute has an interdisciplinary faculty that educates on and works towards solutions for a sustainable society;
6. every study program integrates a module on sustainability which teaches the basics of People, Planet, and Profit into the first year of their curriculum;
7. every study program gives attention to the history and future of their own field of study from the perspective of sustainability;
8. higher educational institutes aim to integrate sustainability in one of their main practical projects, for example by creating interdisciplinary teams that work with issues concerning a sustainable society;
9. higher educational institutes are compared on sustainable aspects of management, education, and research by an independent specialized committee on a yearly basis;
10. students have the opportunity to receive a mentioning of demonstrated acquisition of skills and knowledge in sustainable development on their diploma.