On Wednesday, June 11th, the SustainaBul ranking was published. Next to the publication of the ranking, the SustainaBul Experience was organised, aiming to exchange knowledge among education institutions. During the evening, there was a dinner with board members from both the higher education sector and the ICT sector. The Experience took place on Radboud University Nijmegen.
- Watch the photo’s
- Watch the video
Workshops (in Dutch)
Cooperation on research is essential | Antoine Heideveld, Groene Brein
Employers ask for sustainability! | Thijs Struijk, GroeneGeneratie
Energymonitoring in practice | Ron van Brenk & Sandra Valenbreder, HU
Green Campus – sustainable higher education through ICT | Pascal Ravesteijn, lector HU
The added value of Green Offices | Anjelle Rademakers, UU
Smart Campus, a Sustainability Monitoring System | Students TU Delft, Industrial Ecology
Download here the summaries of the workshops (in Dutch).
Board dinner
After the award ceremony of the SustainaBul, a dinner took place with board members of both the higher education and the ICT sector. The aim of this dinner was to start stronger cooperation of the two sectors, with sustainability as the connecting element. The dinner was divided in six themes, who touch both the ICT as the higher education sector. You can read the summary of the dinner here (in Dutch). The dinner was organised by SURF, NederlandICT, the Netherlands Enterprises Agency and Studenten voor Morgen.
- HAN & Quintel: Energy Transition Model
- SustainableMotion: SustainabilityChallenge & SustainabilityCareerEvent
- Van Beek energy monitoring: digital municipality
- FossilFreeNL: Divestment Campaign
- Green Office Wageningen: bicycle project, sustainable catering, introduction days
- Groningen University: Green Mind Awards
- GreenSpread: participate in investing in renewable energy on education institutions
- Special Interest Group Green ICT
- Hobeon: AISHE-certification
- Radboud University: energy neutral datacentre
- Radboud University: EU-project Use IT Smartly
- SURF: e-waste, Sustainable ICT Maturity Model
- Studenten voor Morgen: SustainaBul, DuurzameStudent.nl, Sustainable Introduction Event
- TU Delft (students Industrial Ecology): Sustainability Measurement System