Committee of recommendation
Studenten voor Morgen has a Recommendation Committee that publicly supports the activities of SvM. This Committee includes several prominent figures from politics, business and science, among others, who all have a strong bond with sustainability.

Marjan Minnesma
Marjan Minnesma is the “sustainability queen” of the Netherlands and has been voted number 1 in the Trouw Sustainable Top-100 several times; the list of the most influential Dutch people in the field of sustainability. As director of Urgenda, the action organization with the slogan Together Faster Sustainable, she is fully committed to making the Netherlands more sustainable. Previously, Marjan worked at Novem (predecessor, Greenpeace and sustainability institutes such as IVM and Drift.

Herman Wijffels
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Economist and CDA prominent Herman Wijffels held various prominent positions during his career, including chairman of the board of directors of Rabobank Nederland, chairman of the Social and Economic Council (SER) and Dutch administrator at the World Bank in Washington. He is currently co-chair of Worldconnectors, an organization that addresses international issues based on the Earth Charter and UN Millennium Declaration. He is also professor of ‘sustainability and social change’ at Utrecht University.

Margreet van Gastel
Margreet van Gastel can be seen as a true energy transition specialist. She is active in central government, public administrations and holds many social positions. For Margreet, responsibility and equality are at the base of responsible handling of our living environment. With a distinctive liberal perspective, Margreet strives to promote innovation and a green economic climate. In doing so, Margreet focuses on connecting education, research, entrepreneurs and government to drive sustainable developments. With the ultimate goal of a better climate for all.

Thiëmo Heilbron
Thiëmo Heilbron is a biologist, ecologist and founder of Fawaka Ondernemersschool and Fawaka Nederland. Fawaka Ondernemersschool realizes educational programs for children about sustainable entrepreneurship. With Fawaka Nederland he wants to involve young people with different cultural backgrounds and educational levels in the environmental issues and social challenges of our time. He shares their stories on his website and advises companies and organizations on how to work with this generation. All this to make sustainability inclusive and accessible.

Sandra Pellegrom
Sandra Pellegrom is a specialist in policy, development and international relations. After years of holding various positions at embassies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations, Sandra will be the Sustainable Development Goals Coordinator in the Netherlands from October 2019. Sandra ensures that the right topics are put on the agenda and that the SDG Netherlands network is supported. Under the motto ‘The Netherlands must fulfill its role as a sustainable pioneer’, Sandra is the driving force behind the Sustainable Development Goals in the Netherlands.

Carlos de Bourbon de Parme
Prince Carlos is the son of Princess Irene, the sister of Princess Beatrix. Carlos is currently director of the INSID, the Institute for Sustainable Innovation & Development. The INSID is an independent foundation with the aim of accelerating sustainability. One of his additional positions is the chairmanship of the Netherlands gets New Energy foundation, with the aim of accelerating the transition to clean energy.

Willem Langeweg
Willem Lageweg is a farmer’s son from Hellevoetsluis, happily married to Marleen and proud father of three children. After a long career at Rabobank, he was director of CSR Netherlands for more than ten years. In addition, he is active in the field of multicultural society and at Women on Wings, a social enterprise that focuses on the economic independence of women in India. He is still an advisor and director at MVO Nederland and continues to work for a sustainable, inclusive society.

Antoine Heideveld
Antoine Heideveld is currently director at Het Groene Brein and is seen as one of the sustainability experts in the field of education and business. Antoine is one of the founders of the LHUMP*. Heideveld studied Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the UVA and taught Sustainable Development at the same university for years.
*Studenten voor Morgen was founded in 1993 by local student environmental organizations from different cities. Until 2010 the association was called LHUMP: the National University College and University Environment Platform.
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