Annual Reports & ANBI

Morgen has a rich past. Each year new activities are initiated in order to stimulate sustainability among students and within the higher education sector. The activities per year can be retrieved from the annual reports of the past years. Also the financial reports can be found on this page.

Annual report 2014

2014 has been a very successful year for Morgen. A new three year partnership contract with RVO offers new possibilities and has strengthened Morgen’s financial position. 2014 was also a great year for Morgen when looking at our projects and events. The 2014 editions of the SustainaBul ranking and Sustainable Introduction Stunt were both very successful. Morgen’s online magazine (sustainable student) is becoming increasingly popular. Sherliyn Deen and Niek Verlaan were appointed as editor in chief and senior editor, they were able to create and launch a new website for the magazine. In 2014 there was also room for new projects and events, like the SustainaBul Roadshow and the youth conference on sustainability and security.

The appointment of a new board member Student network has resulted in a strengthened bond and more frequent contact with our member organizations. The board of Morgen looks back at a beautiful 2014 and is looking forward to 2015 with renewed enthusiasm.

In the link below you will find the links to the annual year report and the annual financial report of 2014, it can be downloaded as PDF or can be viewed within your browser. Under the header previous annual reports you will find the annual reports previous years.

Previous annual reports 



Morgen is a cooperation with an ANBI-status. Algemeen nut beogende instellingen (institutions that do common good, or ANBI’s) can make use of certain tax advantages with donations and gifts. The RSIN-number of cooperation Morgen is 805730667. Contact details can be found under Contact. The organisation strategy can be found under Strategy.